I am still taking COVID precautions. Whether or not you are too, I’m happy to work with you.
If you’ve gone back to normal and don’t put too much thought into COVID anymore, here’s what you need to know:
- Massage clients: We still mask throughout the entire massage at my massage practice. I will supply you with a mask if you don’t have one. More on the COVID practices in the office can be found here.

- Birth clients: I may wear a mask at your birth, depending on time of year, birthing location, travel schedule, etc. I will not ask you to wear a mask anywhere else (home, during labor) unless you have tested positive and then we will figure out what feels best for everyone.

If you are still exercising COVID precautions, here’s what you need to know:
- I mask most places (work, stores, etc) but do take some risks by not masking while I train BJJ or with some close friends. I have dined indoors occasionally over the past year or so.
- I mask when asked, test often, get my boosters, and use a HEPA filter and CO2 monitor in the office.
- I will be prepared to mask for your birth and all of our meetings, and am willing to explore further measures as desired.

- Still COVID-ing — Facebook group
- COVID Aware Twin Cities — Instagram
- The Sick Times — Long COVID journalism
- The People’s CDC — watchdog group of healthcare practitioners, scientists
- Dr. Lucky Tran — Instagram
- Mask Bloc — free masks and respirators
- Free rapid tests are available at the Aliveness Project or, depending on your insurance, from your pharmacy once a month
- Portable HEPA filter at the Tool Library